Meetings on the 3rd Monday of the Month 5:30 social, 6:00 meeting at Evangelical Covenant Church

For guild pictures, go to (copy and paste into your search area) And friend us on FaceBook: Clay Center Piotique Quilters Guild

Oct. 21st meeting - Guild Challenge and 20th Anniversary Celebration

It is that time of year for our Annual Guild Challenge.  The Duwe's bequeathed us last year with quite a few finished dresdan plates.  Ruth Ann ran with the idea of seeing what members could do with them.  Everyone that was interested in joining in on the fun, picked up however many plates they wanted and did with them what they wanted.
Now we all are turning them into Ruth Ann by the 16th, so she can have them set up for our meeting on Monday, October 21st.
In case you are not familiar - this is what a dresdan plate looks like:
Looking forward to seeing what members came up with.


This is the 20th Anniversary meeting our the 
Clay Center Piotique Quilters Guild.
All members are invited
Invitations as shown below were sent out to past members, unfortunately only those we had addresses for, and a few of them did come back undeliverable.
So if you see a past member - INVITE THEM.
What a celebration.

(Oh!  And it is the first and second door on the left
We usually have signs on the doors that enter into the room)

Hope to see you there.


Sept 16th Game Night Meeting

After the business meeting getting us all informed about the Piotique Parade coming up on Sept. 28th, and checking that everyone had a chance to sign up for the Scramble (food) for Oct. 23rd -
Yeah!  Show 'n Tell:
For a brand new quilter - Gail does an awesome job.  She took the workshop with Lynn Doyle AND finished some.  Remember you can click on a picture and have it come in larger.  This one is so awesome - well, except for the spider.  ha ha

Gail tried to critique her own work - but we think it looks great.

Gail also made this wonderful fall quilt......

And she is going to put a harvest bow on it.

Gail picked up this kit at the Shop Hop we took a bit ago.  She's got it together, but wonders what she will do with it as no one she knows is really into a cowboy Christmas.

Teresa bought a couple kits of this pumpkin, first one she decided not to make it into a pillow.  Looking forward to seeing what she does with the next one.

Ruth Ann was inspired, she has three sister-in-laws and was thinking - gifts?
I don't know Ruth Ann, they are so cute, perhaps you should keep.

Here is her sparkly snowman "gift"

And this gorgeous table runner she is working on.
All of them would be fantastic.

Kim not only rescues scraps, she also puts kits to good use.  Love her cardinal.  That will look great any time of the season.

Winnie finished her Prairie Stone workshop quilt.  Wow the colors.  Lovely.  Vickie Beasley's pattern sure can look so different by what fabrics you choose.

Winnie stated that she was not really fond of this quilt until she got it all together - now it flows into greatness - according to all of us anyway.

When the Fabric Essentials had their pop up at the book store Winnie picked up this pattern and the ruler.  She offered to loan the ruler to anyone that wants to use it - cuts down on the rulers we all have and only used once.  Thank you Winnie!

I (Vevia) am finishing this baby quilt for my 8th great-grandchild.

After Show 'n Tell - the GAME

Roll three dice and find out whether you have to pass a button to the Left, or Right, put it in the Center or get to keep.  From the sounds that were going on - it was a fun night and thank you to donators and Lynn Doyle for the 15 door prizes that added to the night of winnings.

This is also my SnT.  Darn thing would not go in where it was put.

See you all on Friday, Sept. 27th at 2:00 pm, 715 McBratney - "Caddy Shack".  Take 6th S and turn E on to McBratney.  Boy I hope I have that correct.  Double check with Winnie or Christine to make sure.
Have a wonderful fall season.

August 20th Bloomin' Minds Workshop

What a great start to a fun day with Lynn Doyle from "Bloomin' Minds".  Her husband, Mike, was kind enough to bring in all the kits, patterns and fat quarters - so yep!  We got to shop several times during the day.  Infact some of our members now own two kits as they were having so much fun putting the first one together.

Sharon and Teresa got busy reading their patterns - I think they were part of those that had a lot of pieces to do.

Gail and Winnie getting started on theirs.

New Member Amy along with Missy jumped right in also.

Ruth Ann was having a lot of fun listening to some of the others as she was working on her project.

While Linda and Doreen listened very carefully to all Lynn had to share with us.  Some times you know how to do a project, but listening to the designer giving you tips and tricks is fantastic.

I believe Kim found it very instructional when Lynn stopped by and even brought  her own pillow for Kim to look at.

Verna Lee joined us for about 5 minutes, but then she was off to an appointment and of course you know how fast on her feet that lady can get - never even got the camera turned on before she was gone.

Towards the end of the day, a lot of progress was made - here is Linda's work.

Missy had a lot of pieces also.

Amy was already sewing her pieces on to the background.

And Gail also.

Kim even had her borders on.

Doreen was working on her second chicken.

Sharon had her flower completely laid out and was working on the letters.

Teresa - how many more pumpkins are there?

Thank you ladies and Lynn Doyle for making it a fun gathering and very productive.  Looking forward to seeing those finished projects at our September 16th meeting.

Remember - it is LCR Game night on the 16th - besides your Show and Tell items, remember to bring in 3 buttons and 3 - 2 1/2" x WOF strips and 3 Fat Quarters.
And make sure you sign your name on one of the scraps of paper at the sign in table and drop it in the jar - Heard tell that there are to be door prizes during the games also.


Prairie Stones Workshop a HIT !!!

 Our first outside presentor workshop of 2024 was so much fun.  We even had a couple members stop by just to say hi and get a sneak peak at what we were up to.

Vicky was an exceptional instructor and took what ever time was needed to walk us through each step.   Thank you so much Vicky for making it fun, easy and so enjoyable.

Here is the block we were learning to make.  Can you see it?
Don't feel bad, it took us a bit to zero in on it, but once you do - makes total sense.
(Remember, you can click on the pictures to see them come in larger)

We all had precut our fabric before the workshop, so it was easy for Vicky and for us to understand - okay, what do we do with all those pieces.  Vicky not only walked us through the layout, but she gave us tips and hints along the way as to the easiest order to put them together in.

So, off we all went..................

and boy do we have a wide range of colors at work.  It will be great to see how one block looks so different just by the colors you use.

Teresa and I both got the back of the room, her on the left and me on the right.
Nope, it did not keep us out of trouble, but we did have to walk farther to get into mischief. ha ha

It was so easy to ask Vicky questions and have her explain her thoughts on the processes.

And see, I was there and did get some done.

Stay tuned to our normal website Clay Center Piotique Quilters in the next few months so you can see our finished projects.  Notice how positive I am that these will not become UFO's.
Enjoy your day.

Programs for 2024

                                            Programs for Guild year 2024                                                       (Please note:  some changes may occur now and then, like programs or location)

(The President is going to attempt to be at the meeting place by 5:15 each month so that we can have the hand sewing group start up again.)

Please Note:  Monday, January 15th meeting 


due to snow and cold.  Will have the UFO Telling with our February Program.

Be safe.

Monday, January 15th:  "UFO - New Years Resolution / Or is it a Challenge" - Participating members are to bring in either the fabric, or the pattern, or the project they are resolving / or are challenged to finish by the November 18th Reveal Meeting.  If you have not been successful in the past - easy, try a new UFO.

Monday, February 19th:  "Triple the Knowledge" - Member demo's with Cyndy, Erlene and Teresa

Monday, March 18th:  "Intrepid Explorers" - A workshop evening experimenting in the languages of color.  (Suggested you wear your old clothes.  Bibs and gloves will be provided)

Monday, April 15th:  "Wrapping the Relay for Life in Coolness" - How many cooling neck wraps can your "TEAM" make in 60 minutes?  A workshop race for Community Service.    Gather up your "Team" of  4 (Cutter & marker, Sewer, Turner & presser, and Filler) and bring in your 4.5" x WOF strips of fabric (some fabric will be available) and of course all your supplies to accomplish making the wraps.  Neck wraps will be sold at the August 9th Clay County Relay for Life for, with all proceeds going to Relay for Life.(Click here Directions for Neck Wrap )

Monday, May 20th:  "Prairie Stones" Lecture by Vicky Beasley - The Scrappy Farmer (Website )

     Tuesday, May 21st:  Prairie Stones Workshop (*Need a min. of 8 signed up and paid to occur)  Get your supply list  by clicking here - Workshop supply list

Monday, June 17th:  "New Looks for String Quilts" - Theresa Ward  (Website)

Monday, July 15th:  "Try Something New" - Laura Piland  (Website)

Monday, August 19th:  "Trunk Show" - Lynn Doyle of Bloomin' Minds (Website)  Bring your $ = Patterns and kits available for sale at the meeting.

     Tuesday, August 20th: Workshop - Kits available through Lynn (*Need a min. of 8 signed up and paid to occur,)

Monday, September 16th:  “L C R” –  Fun game night.  To enter, bring 3 buttons, 3 - 2 ½” x WOF strips, and 3 Fat Quarters. Will you be one of those going home with some nifty new supplies?

Monday, October 21st:  "Annual Guild Challenge" - Dresdan Plate Designs, hosted by Ruth Ann J.                            

     Slate of 2025 Officers presented

Monday, November 18th:  "New Year's UFO Resolution / Challenge - I DID IT !"

     Vote for 2025 Officers

Saturday, November 23rd:  "Christmas Party" - hosted by President Elect,     Cyndy M   Please get with Cyndy for all the particulars.  Will be around noon at a great eattery and there is a quilt shop involved.

(*For cost of Workshops, check your program books or ask Vevia.  The cost of the workshops pay for the presentor and in some cases the room, that is why there are a minimum needed of 8 signed up and paid for no later than the month before, otherwise the workshops will have to be cancelled.)  

Looking forward to a great year.  Clear your calendars and Mark them with the dates.  Happy New Year.  

Christmas Party to End a Great Year !

What a way to end out a grand year.  2023 President Ruth Ann and 2024 President Elect go over all the last details before all arrive.

Thanks to Gail, we have pictures to show everyone, especially those that were unable to attend our Christmas Party and wonders what went on. 

Check out all the table decorations.  Teresa not only had all the center pieces in her Christmas Stash, but she also sewed all the placemats and Christmas Tree Napkins.  Thank you Teresa for giving a grand party.  Oh yeah!  And we got to take the place mats and napkins home for our own holiday use.  THANK YOU!

Oh Oh!  What is this I spy?  Yep, we also had an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest.  Check out all the pictures to see who wore what.  In this one, you are looking at the Runner Up - Missy.  Great job Missy, no one wanted to wear it.  ha ha

Now some of those sweaters were cuter than ugly.  

See how many got into the spirit of the contest.  Wow does our membership own a lot of Christmas sweaters.
Check out the Elf at this table - Yep, Christine took First Place.  Sorry, no perfect picture of her in her entirety.  

Thank you again Gail for sharing your photos.  It was a grand night with lots (so much) of food, and especially the selection of desserts.
Thank you to everyone that brought a dish to share and thank you again Teresa for making the party a fun time for all.

Gavel has been transferred, officers and chairs ready, so........................
See you Next Year.

(Coming soon - 2024 Programs)