Meetings on the 3rd Monday of the Month 6pm Family Life Center, N side

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May Meeting Cancelled

Deb and Geri got the word out that our May meeting is also cancelled.  President Deb did request feed back as to the next possible meeting - please let her know your concerns and ideas.

I have a friend that due to health issues, is having trouble breathing through the masks that are out there.  Her daughter sent her some, and she tries so hard to wear them.

Got me to thinking:
So here is what I have come up with for her - perhaps there are others out there that would benefit from this type of cover.

Please note:  This is not CDC approved.  
I have designed this to help a friend.
Use cautiously.
I have some heavy see through plastic around for covering up pretty table cloths you do not want the grand-kids to spill things on.  Not sure of the mil, I got it at Wal-Mart years ago.
But it is cleanable with disinfectant wipes, or soft cloth and soap and water.
Cut the plastic approximately 13" wide and 11" high.
Mark the mid way point at the top (I used permanent marker, only a small line) and you can cut the bottom two corners slightly curved.  When the shield is all made, you can trim up if it is too long.
If you decide to put double sided binding around the edges, - bless you.  haha.

You will need the following pieces:
**Fabric for headband - 3" x 21"  (you might want to double check around your head to make sure it is long enough [with a 4" gap behind] or cut down if too long)
**2 Pieces of fabric for the Velcro tabs - each 1 1/2" x 4"
**3/4" Velcro (sew in fuzzy and loop), 3 1/2" long
**Batting 1" x 20"

Press about a 1/4" seam along both sides of the Velcro "tabs" and across one end.
You will sew your Velcro to the raw edge/wrong side.  You can click on pictures to have them come in larger so you can see a little better.  Finished look is the last two on right, green.

Press head band fabric 1/4" or so seams on both long sides and both ends (like 1 and 3)
Press in half
Place batting in between (2) and press again

Insert Velcro tabs into both ends of head band section - making sure one is working side up right and the other is working side down.  Then start sewing about 1/8th or more from the open two folded edge side, down to the Velcro tab and back stitch across the end to hold tab securely in place, then go up the folded in half side around to the other tab.  Notice the gap left on the open side.  You want to be able to tuck your plastic shield piece in there.

Find the middle of your headband and match the plastic shield at it's middle to it.
Slide plastic inside - clips work very well to hold in place so you can sew across the bottom of the headband  to anchor the plastic.

Velcro wrap around can be adjusted comfortably without any additional ties or elastic.
If it is too far down on your chest, shorten some, but you do want a safe, complete covering.
Please clean inside and out after every use when you come home.
Can be wiped clean or washed by hand, band and all.

I pray this helps those that are having difficulty breathing in a regular mask.

Take care and keep safe !

In case you want a print out of the directions, click here for a shorter version. 

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