Meetings on the 3rd Monday of the Month 5:30 social, 6:00 meeting at Evangelical Covenant Church

For guild pictures, go to (copy and paste into your search area) And friend us on FaceBook: Clay Center Piotique Quilters Guild

FOUR PATCH POSIE from the Twins

It is great to learn that more people than you think confuse these two.  By the way, Frances was born first so should be treated as the older and wiser twin.  hahahah
Both ladies had attended a quilt retreat in Concordia at the Manna House and came away with an awesome technique - Four Patch Posies.

Picture to the left is the fabric that Donna chose to use to get her quilt, shown on the right.  Whoa?!  Where did those configurations come from? 

Frances picked the fabric shown to the left to get the quilt on the right.  How?  How?  How?

Very easy the twins told us - right!  You find a fabric that has movement and can be cut up to look great together.  Sounds simple, well after they showed us a few fabrics that don't work like the one on the top left, and the ones that do work like on the top right and then gave us a very useful tip - Buy a bit, go home and scan it, cut it up and see what you can get with it.  The "Twins" showed us how in the bottom picture above.

Just to tease us with a few more possibilities, we got to see even more samples of fabrics and what is possible from them.

The back of this quilt shows you the fabric started with........

.....and here is what you get on the front.
Then the Twins added some fun into the night - they handed out oodles of packs of 4 squares copied onto heavy stock for us to turn and turn and turn and see what we could come up with. 

Isn't this great?

It didn't take long before members were becoming more confident in what fabric choices gave them the greatest looks.

Thank you Donna and Frances for a wonderful program and the great opportunity to see for ourselves what we could do.  Looking forward to seeing what comes from tonights ideas.

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