Meetings on the 3rd Monday of the Month 5:30 social, 6:00 meeting at Evangelical Covenant Church

For guild pictures, go to (copy and paste into your search area) And friend us on FaceBook: Clay Center Piotique Quilters Guild

September Show 'n Tell

Congratulations Hayley for your win at the Clay Co. Fair AND your win at State Fair.  Hayley really took to the twilling lesson that Susie taught at the Clifton class day.Jane has finished two more 2012 BOM's; their colors promise to make a fantastic quilt when all blocks are done.  Sara's finished basket BOM's definitely has a wow factor. Wonder where she will proudly display it?

You will be seeing several pictures of Lisa holding up finished projects.  She is really getting on the ball - wonder how many UFO's she has completed this year.  Jan's table topper was a learning experience.  She fell in love with the design, but after doing so many blocks, she decided she did not have to make a huge quilt to enjoy the pattern. 

Congratulations Lisa on more completed UFO's.

 Carol helps Rita hold up a quilt that Rita and Tracy made together.  They made this for someone that wants to lay on it, so each one of the puffs is filled with stuffing - forgot what it weighs, but it will not just ever "walk away" from it's owner.  Great job.
Lisa assures us that the center is a panel, wow what an end product on a panel - Lisa might have to give a mini class on this one someday.
Deb has now finished both of her "fusique's" that Linda Everhart taught back in April.  What a wonderful technique where you can get two out of making one.

 Linda Y is one of our past members that has moved away, but never forgotten us.  We are grateful that though she is in town for only a short time, she was able to come see us and to show off some of the work she has been doing.  The green one is for a grandson that wanted a quilt showing all the things he likes, including green.  Love the setting Linda picked. Thank you for sharing Linda.

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