Meetings on the 3rd Monday of the Month 6pm Family Life Center, N side

For guild pictures, go to (copy and paste into your search area)

A Night With Elsie Campbell

Everyone was excited Monday night waiting for the September meeting to start. Thank you to all the greeters, those that helped with book sales, refreshment workers and providers, and to those that helped with the sale of guild pins and opportunities for our 2011 guilt.

It did not take long for everyone to settle in when the program started. Jan introduced our guest speaker giving us quite a list of her accomplishments - from education to winning some very prestigious awards.

Elsie Campbell got everyone to really thinking with her presentation on "Tweaking Tradition". Tradition was an easy thought to follow, the meaning of TWEAKING was another matter. Think: pinch, pluck, twist, adjust, fine tune or even tease - what concepts.

From taking two blocks and moving them all around, to multiplying them by 4, to leaving off first this and then that, or better yet - round something. Are you starting to get an idea of how to take what we are very familiar with and making it something totally new?

Enjoy the following pictures and let your mind think


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