Meetings on the 3rd Monday of the Month 6pm Family Life Center, N side

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March 15th Program: KANSAS LANDSCAPE & WILD FLOWERS by Dr. Bryan Grove

Members and members, guests and guests - what a great turn out for our program.

I am not sure whether people came to see IF a man can quilt, WHAT he can quilt, or whether it was just to have a good time out with the gals... but whatever, they came. And the excitement of wondering what was ahead, rippled through the audience.

In front of us were three tables piled with material and this older gentleman that took time to say hi to the ladies in the last row. He got a tickle out of the real reason some pick the last row to set in. You'll have to ask those ladies what they said.

Okay, you can say it.


OH MY!!!!


And that is how the evening went. I only took a few pictures - sssscchhh I was too enamored of his work to stop from looking and touching to pick up the camera - not my fault. You'll have to go see him in person your self. To tell you the truth, I was too afraid to take pictures of the items that I really found to be the bestest and greatest and fantasticest and (well you get the idea), I was afraid that I would be so envious and jealous that later when I looked at the pictures of those - I would cry and have an old fools fit cause I did not have one on my own wall.

Ladies, if you have never thought of doing anything with thread, yarn, raffia, barbed wire, hog wire, snips, tulle, marker, pen, torn material, beads, etc. = then you have never seen this type of quilting art. I heard several quilters say that they could not wait to get home and try a few things outside of their norm. One of our new members who has been quilting less than a year, put it best - "I can't believe that he does all of that with just zig zags and straight stitches."

I've got to check out the rumor, but I believe he will have some items down at the quilt show in August at Council Grove. As soon as I verify, the information will be posted so that everyone can either get a first look at this gorgeous technique or gaze again onto snowy meadows, fire blazing across the hills or sunflowers turned purple in the moon light.

If we are real nice to Barb, maybe she will let us see again the door prize she won of one of Bryan Grove's works. In fact, maybe we can talk Barb into bringing it back to the next quild meeting to share.

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